Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Queenstown, New Zealand

February 13, 2015
Queenstown is definitely the queen city of New Zealand, Auckland being the king. In Queenstown you get the confluence of New Zealand's mountains, lakes, wine, international tourists and temporary service industry employees, demarcation point for other scenic spots, and every type of extreme sport. All this happens within the few months of summer and during the winter ski season. In the southern latitudes (about 45 degrees, same as Minneapolis) of Queeenstown the seasons, even the moon, are the reverse of what you would find in the mountain resorts of Colorado (where most American tourists normally reside).

There is an urge in Queenstown to jump off something high. Our senior Peace Corps traveling companion Hannah S. was disappointed her last visit to Queenstown when she couldn't arrange to jump out of an airplane. This time she did. Even I wanted to jump, but was mercifully thwarted to skydive by bad weather one day and totally booked parachute gilding another day. Probably just as well.However, the weather was unexpectedly great. I guess you can't have it all.
Queenstown Five: Hanna Siemmering, Nick Shuraleff, Dave Braden, Mary S., Ann B.
Cominginto Queenstown with Reliable Mountains in the background
Queenstown's Lake Wakatipu, New Zealands longest, 50 miles, with a depth of 1,250 ft.
A picnic lunch with wine and good traveling friends
Parasailors appearing from behind a Queenstown mountain

Para-guilders landing in a nearby rugby field

Mt. Coronet road overlooking vineyards of Queenstown valley

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